Test: Petrol Advertisement

|All rights reserved ©2007-08 Jainai Jeffries|

Illutration Test: Petrol Ad
Medium: blue pencil | .3 mech pencil | 9x12 bristol board

An Art test for Petrol Ad located in California. Had an Intern thing with them for a while, really cool guys. Didn't me want to lose focus on being a concept artist.

Chow 56: re-mastered

|All rights reserved ©2006-08 Jainai Jeffries|

Chow 56
'Bard of Apocalypse'
- blue pencil | pencil | photoshop cs
Created: 2006 sometime

Meant to post but always forgot. I rectify that...now! Was an experiment in approaching coloring techniques.

7/15/08: Was mildly cleaning up my files while posting on CGChannels and with a new bound feeling a insecurity. Then I stumbled upon my chow folder, uponed up this file...and started tweaking it.

Made something half-assed and crapy into something not so half-assed and pretty decent=me feeling better.

Old Chow 56-->http://fydbac.deviantart.com/art/chow-56-66854107

WIP: Seasora



Characters: Original
Medium: photoshop cs | painter x

A piece inspired by elsevilla@deviantart.